Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Top Ten Reasons Why The "Silver Line" is not a subway

Took the "Silver Line" today. As I waited, and wait, and then encountered the new "collection machine", it promptly raised my blood pressure and want to tear the head off whoever thought up this stupid thing in the first place.

Which screwy politician thought this scheme up??? They all need to be fired! We all need to start to join the BadTransit board and heckle the hell out of these miscreants.

Top 10 Reasons why the "Silver Line" is not a subway line:

10. Car vs T - the T usually wins because they are build like tanks. But not the Silver Line - it seems to be build more like a oversized pinto
9. When did street traffic in Boston, regardless of what you are, ever be considered "rapid"?
8. Hmm...let's "sub"or tunnel of any kind involved in Washington St.?
7. Dedicated right of way my ass. Guess where they shovel the excess snow?
6. It's a first that I saw a fare collection system that SLOWs down the rate of collection, rather than speeding it up and making if more efficient
5. You can't get accidentally electricuted doesn't run on electricity!
4. Rubber wheels
3. Why is it 90 cents (like a regular bus fare) instead of $1.25? Sounds like an implicite acknowledgement to me
2. They spent $150 or so million dollars (of which $130 can't really be accounted for - ok, I made that up, but I bet that's close). Real manly subway cost real manly prices - like 10 billion dollars NYC is spending on 2nd Ave Subway.

And the #1 reason why the "Silver Line" is not a subway line is.....

1.'s a bus


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