Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Day 10 - San Francisco

Ha, another city by the bay, and what a different city than the one I remembered. The overcast, grey clouds were the same. The rest of the city was different. It is cleaner and dirtier at the same time. I was a little bewildered at first because I didn't know where to go. I just decided to drive along the waterfront and went by the PacBell, or whatever it's called now, park. I checked the web the night before and saw that there is this kayaking along Bay Bridge trip in the morning at 10 am, so I woke up bright and early for it. I called them. No answer. I'm like "ah...but they'll be there, right? I mean, they posted it on their website!". So I got there, and waited. 10 am came and went. Nobody. By 10:20 I realize that nobody was probably coming so I gave up. Damn I wish I called them earlier and set up a kayaking trip. The water was calm and look so inviting.
Anyhow, undetered, I rented a bike and started to bike around the waterfront. Went through the farmer's market that was going on at the old rail station. Man was it lively! I got full just by trying out all the fruits and different samples from the vendors. I miss having a lot of fresh fruit like I did growing up.

I biked up to Fishermen's Warf and checked out the seals on Pier 39. They were so cute and I totally got into tourist mode and snapped away.
I tried to cram as much as I can into a single day. In the process I went by chinatown, the presidio and too many hills to count. I HAD to drive that really windy road and if it wasn't for the slowpoke car in front of me driving at 3 mph I would've had a blast. There were many skid marks on the concrete indicating that there were people who were more beligerant about the turns than I was :)

Anyhow, I ended the day going to Fremont to visit Tsu-Hei. It's fun to reconnect with someone I haven't talked to for a few years and see how they are doing. The whole CA lifestyle cracks me up - the condos surrounded by covered parking like they are island oasis away from the pavement ocean that lay before them. She sounds like she's beginning to have seconds thoughts about being an elementary school teacher. Ha, yeah, I would too - the reason why I'm not :) Anyhow, we eneded the night eating sushi then renting "40 Year Old Virgin". So a mellow end to a pretty active day.


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