Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Trip Report Day 3 - Morro Bay

I drove out to Morrow Bay and went out to Morrow Rock. Wow. I encountered wildlife everywhere. Within an afternoon I saw sea otters, wild turkeys, deer, small but condor-like birds, tons of other birds, seals and a whole bunch of just stuff in the tidal pools. I was blessed with the weather clearing as I got out there (someone up there must like me). There was a high surf warning for the coast so I went out to Morro rock and watched the violent waves crashing on the barrier and was mesmerized.

Some of the waves had to be 15-20 feet high. Then as I was walking around Ilso spotted some sea otters - they were just so cute. They were just lying on their backs going about their business lazily and kinda floated/swam slowly by on their backs.

Afterwards I went out the dunes over by Los Osos and just hiked like 4 miles each way down the beach from there. After about a mile from the entrance onto the beach I realized that there is NO ONE on the beach other than I, with my own footprints as my only companion. It feels like I found some kind of a secret, magical places or something. So awesome!

Then I played some Monopoly in the evening with Jay, Yin, Tom, Jerry (Jay’s step-grandfather) and promptly got my ass whopped. Jay manage to stay in for a bit longer because he kept going to jail – I have never seen someone go to jail 10 times in one game!


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