Monday, February 27, 2006

Why I am not as excited about movies as I use to be

I remember a time ... not so long ago when I was so excited about going to see a movie that I couldn't sleep the night before. I remember a time when I want to see a movie so much I absolutely devour every last morsel of information I can get my hands on about the upcoming film. I remember reading the script before going into "Star Trek: Generations" and was literally yelling out lines karyoke style (yes, I can be obnoxious when going to movies).

Movies use to excite me as much as anything else in my life. I love getting lost in the characters and letting myself be knowingly manipulated emotionally. I use to just watched the movie and let it transport me. I don't overly analyze or analyze its hidden messages. My review of a movie was simple - did I enjoyed myself, or not?

These days it is not so simple.

I don't know about you, but I am suffering from "seen it" burn-out mentality. Almost every movie to me seem to be derivative of something else these days. Most genres are over-exposed and needs moratoriums because the new movies simple feel stale. I no longer am willing to spend two hours of my life to see some mediocre movie. Whenever a talking head was explainging the plot I almost seem to squirm in my seat. Some felt like Scooby-Doo for grown-ups.

I think the worst offense in movies these days is that they are too calculating. What I mean by that is that there seem to be too much product placement, too much special effects, too much dramatic music, too many cuts - all to distract the person and manipulate one's emotions without trying to tell a worthy story. The hit driven, ADD mentality has made marketing of the movie more important than the movie itself - and often I feel people don't know how to tell a good story anymore. I often feel cheated when I feel there has been a great set-up (like...say Star Wars?) only to have the movie fall flat on its face because at it's center it feels hollow. Many movies feel like "paint by numbers."

So enough with ganster/gansta movies. No more rap stars trying act like they're "legit". Please don't have anymore cop-buddy movies. Disney, please don't do anymore remakes of your old classics. They are fine the way they are. With Underworld 2 and Transporter 2, I think there should also be a moratorium on dumb action movies coming out of Europe. No more movies about wanting to be stars(ie 8 Mile, Hustle and Flow).

I want more Kaufman movies done right (yes, I know, Human Nature blew). I want movies that tackles tough subjects like pedophilia in "The Woodsman" and have them be character driven piece rather being one-dimensional. I want action movies to not use quick cuts and zooms - or the shaky camera thing so I have no idea what's really going on. I want funny movies to be more than fart jokes and actually half-way intelligent and unpredictable - like the first time I saw "When Harry Met Sally".

Oh, and I definitely want Michael Bay to stop making blockbuster movies. He's giving them a bad name. Same with George Lucas.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Ode to my stolen shoes

'tis the night of wind and cold,
barely getting to that hold
after a long day sitting down,
it is nice to get out of town
out to Metrorock dare I go,
the shoes in locker I leave so
it's somewhat old, brown and yellow,
whoever took it must've been a very odd fellow

so I looked, up, down, everwhere
yet I have nothing to delcare
they have disappeared like magic,
oh what a pity, just so tragic!
force to wear my climbing shoes
though not yet singing any blues
not going to let it fetter
a little food will make it better