Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Girls suck, rich stupid suburban families suck even more

So...I don't even know where to start with my night. This girl Erica was wrote in an email:

"Yay for the holidays! Yah, it's been kinda crazy around here, I'm completely exhausted. My christmas was really relaxing, so now it's even more difficult to get back into the swing of things. what are you thinking of doing tonight? I'm on this money-saving kick, but if you want to go grab a drink somewhere, let me know."

So that's good, right? I wrote back to her and put forward a few ideas. Didn't hear from her. So I called her after work at around 5:45 and it went to her voicemail. Ok, so she didn't pick up. Left a message, then I called her at around 6:30 to follow up. Didn't hear from her. Fuck. At that point I knew I've been had.

Girls, WTF? Why do you say "if you want to grab a drink somewhere, let me know" and then not answer? Why don't you just say "hey, I don't want to hang out tonight"? This coming from a girl who says she appreciates "honesty." Wow the irony!

Ok, so I feel like a total dork and fuming at myself for scrapping my night's plans for this stupid flake of a girl. As I was walking home I saw the TGI Friday on Newbury St. just closed. I was like "wow, they closed! I would never thought that to happen!". As I stood there marveling at the sign that is on the door. Two playful kids were running ahead of their parents and coming towards me. The father yelled out "look out for the homeless guy in front of you. Make sure you run around him!". I thought the guy was talking about someone else, and did not even bat an eyelash. As I looked up from the notice the family has already passed me and I looked around - there wasn't anyone else within 30 feet of me! The guy was talking about ME???!!! WTF??!!!! I had a leather jacket, abit a little worn, with a backpack, Banana Republic pants, and my funky sneakers. I don't think I even remotely look like a homeless guy. When I realize that he was talking about me, I was STUNNED. I didn't even know how to react as I just watched the whole family waltz down the street.

And I lived on that BLOCK on Newbury St. I never really felt outright racism on Newbury St. by a bunch of white people before in Boston. I am still dumbfounded.

WHAT THE FUCK is going on? This is like some weird shit from twilight zone.